Kuckucksuhr Schwarzbachalm - Quarz Chalet 36cm - Engstler
Lieferzeit: auf Lager, sofort versandbereit!
December 10, 2018 14:52
Produktbewertung von Anonym
The Cuckoo clock was more beautiful in person than on website. I am very pleased.
November 29, 2018 18:06
Produktbewertung von Anonym
This clock was purchased as a Christmas Gift. I have only opened it to ensure that it had survived the shipping. It looks very nice and trust it will work as advertised.
October 25, 2018 16:11
Produktbewertung von Anonym
This was a gift for my girlfriend that loves visiting Germany. She loved the quality of work your company put into this. Thank you again
October 1, 2018 13:40
Produktbewertung von Anonym
Thank you very much for your amazing Product and service. Everything is fine,professional and fast! It is wonderful gift for our son's wedding. Thanks again. Natalia.
June 16, 2017 00:44
Produktbewertung von Anonym
I love it. It's a beautiful clock. The moving elements are a really nice touch. Visitors to my home consistently comment on how beautiful and fascinating the clock is. I especially like the quartz movement because it is maintenance-free and I don't have to wind it.
June 10, 2017 05:24
Produktbewertung von Anonym
This clock is so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off it.Thanks for providing such amazing handicrafts to everyone. I wont't forget to visit this website when I want to make some fun. Thanks you!
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455,00 €