Kuckucksuhr Waldkirch - 8-Tage geschnitzt 57cm - August Schwer
Lieferzeit: auf Lager, sofort versandbereit!
June 28, 2019 02:44
Produktbewertung von Anonym
Absolutely love my new August Schwer cuckoo clock! It is the second August Schwer I own and I believe they are of the highest quality cuckoo clock maker in the Black Forest. Cuckoo-Palace is the #1 place to purchase your cuckoo clock! Their packing for shipping is incredible which ensures your cuckoo clock arrives safely and undamaged. UPS Express delivers quickly and on time and took good care of my order with the shipping box showing no signs of handling abuse. After making minor adjustments to the pendulum my cuckoo clock is running perfect and right on time! I will definitely order from the Cuckoo-Palace again!! One day I hope to visit the Black Forest and meet the craftsman that build these beautiful cuckoo clocks! David M.
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709,00 €